Sacramento, CA – Today, the Yes on Measure L Campaign received public endorsements from the Slavic-American Chamber of Commerce and the Region Builders.

“Today’s endorsement of Measure L is about one thing; more economic opportunity for our community,” said Sergey Terebkov, Founder and President of the Slavic-American Chamber of Commerce. “We strongly support Measure L because it creates real accountability and efficiency at City Hall that will create more opportunity, more jobs and a better economy for our members.”
Measure L is a series of reforms to make City Hall work better by increasing transparency and accountability. It creates the Mayor-Council form of government with strong checks and balances. Additionally, the measure establishes ethics reforms such as: a code of ethics, an ethics committee, and an independent redistricting commission.
“Measure L will create more jobs, it will bolster our economy and it will provide more opportunity for Sacramento to compete in the 21st century against other cities,” said Ron Brown, Board President of Region Builders Board of Directors. “Sacramento needs a government that fits the fast paced era we live in. Measure L modernizes our government so that we can go head-to-head with other major cities for jobs.”
These endorsements come shortly after endorsements from the Sacramento Police Officers Association (SPOA), the National Electrical Contractors Association of Sacramento (NECA Sacramento), Sacramento Association of Realtors, Laborers Union Local 185, Ironworkers Union Local 118, and the Sacramento Asian-Pacific Chamber of Commerce. Measure L is a comprehensive proposal to reform and improve the Sacramento City Charter, our City’s constitution and guiding document.
Measure L culminates years of public dialogue on how best to modernize City government. It draws ideas from broad and bipartisan supporters that include current and former Mayors; City Managers; Council Members; and key public safety, business, labor, faith, and neighborhood leaders.
Nationally, almost 70% of the cities in Sacramento’s size range use the Mayor-Council form of government including California cities like San Francisco, Los Angeles, Oakland, San Diego and Fresno.
About Measure L: The Charter Revision modernizes the City Charter on a trial basis by making City government more accountable to voters, creating a real system of checks and balances between the Mayor and City Council, and strengthening standards of ethics and transparency.
